Some portrait shots coming!
Landed a few portrait sessions, one family and one child and family. Looking forward to it too!
Work on the website continues, you may have noticed a slightly different banner for starters. My wife suggested the old one looked a little "sci-fi-y," and really, who am I to argue?
Whitney sent me an email with the program and schedule for her upcoming wedding, sounds like everything is going well. She's decided to shoot the lion's share of the pictures she wants before the wedding begins, which should take a little pressure off everyone involved.
Work on the website continues, you may have noticed a slightly different banner for starters. My wife suggested the old one looked a little "sci-fi-y," and really, who am I to argue?
Whitney sent me an email with the program and schedule for her upcoming wedding, sounds like everything is going well. She's decided to shoot the lion's share of the pictures she wants before the wedding begins, which should take a little pressure off everyone involved.