Gosh -- Can't believe how fast the last couple of weeks have gone! Whitney and Dustin's wedding was September 1st, and it was amazing.

Whitney made a beautiful bride and Dustin a very handsome groom. The wedding was outdoors at Whitney's dad's farm near Mendota, and the weather was excellent. The bridal party was a blast to be with and the reception was great fun.

I've been busy processing the photographs since we got back into Moline. (To see the complete set go to www.tworiversphotography.com and click on galleries) I posted the lion's share last night, but still have a few more to go. I was very pleased with my new lens and the portable light box I got before the wedding. The image included here was shot using both, the new light box and the new lens. Dustin and Whitney are standing on a (suprisingly shaky) wooden bridge over a creek, the light box is camera right and I am about 20 yards down on the bank. The sunset went fast, but I was able to get several poses before it was to dark. This is one of my favorites.

Also shot this candid. We were waiting for some of the other groomsmen and it sort of just happened, I just love the expression on Tory, on the far right!

Here's another shot that I am really happy with. I used high-key lighting technique and the softbox, this time we were indoors. Whitney decided early on to shoot the bulk of our pictures before the wedding, to keep things moving between the wedding and the reception. It worked out very well. For this shot all I did was ask Dustin to whisper something sweet into Whitney's ear, and whatever it was, it sure worked!


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