Best of 2019!
Hope all my clients had as great a 2019 as Lisa and I did! I've gathered some of best of moments from this year's weddings and engagements. I didn't pick them in any order, no favorites. Some made the list because they are technically strong photos, others just because they made me smile. Putting it together just underlined the fact it was another great year, and we have some awesome clients. Ultimately, the job is about capturing joy, and as far as jobs go, it's really not a bad one. 2020 is going to be a big, big year for us and we really can't wait. We've already got a lot of weddings booked with more bride and groom meetings coming up. Opening the studio this summer was an amazing roller coaster ride. It provided some of our highest highs, and some of our lower lows, but it's been an amazing journey that if you keep an eye on our page, you'll see a lot more of in the coming year.