Two Rivers Photography and the Pandemic -- or this too shall pass

Just wanted to put out an update on the situation as it's been explained to us by the State of Illinois. As of May 1, we can offer outdoor photo sessions while keeping an appropriate social distance, so if you are hoping for a senior session, lifestyle session, or engagement session, now's a pretty good time. Give us a call or shoot us a line. 

At this time, the studio remains closed to the public. There's some confusion about the state's explanation here and we are talking to our local representatives and have sent emails to the state board of health in hopes of getting a better explanation on what gives. This has been a huge but understandable disappointment. 

We want this to be over, but we want to reemerge safely so we are more than willing to take what comes if the balance is the health and safety of our clients and their friends and family. 

Our clients are amazing, let me just start there. Lisa and I have been overwhelmed. We have only had one cancellation that was pretty unavoidable, but several of our brides and grooms have postponed or rescheduled their big days and worked with us to keep us as their photography vendor. 

You'll never know how much it's meant. 

On a personal note, Lisa and I are feeling great. No illness to report. The whole family gets flu shots every year, there's some discussion on if that's a help against COVID-19 or not. We've reached out to our wedding photographer friends and have continued our pact to help each other out if illness does strike. 

Both girls are home, continuing online studies. Amelia is finishing her bachelor's in nursing and can't wait to dive headfirst into this mess. Lauren will be heading to the Dallas zoo in June for her internship with the zoo's carnivores and then hopefully returning to Wisconsin to start her senior year in captive wildlife management and ecology. 

I've been working on getting some albums finished off, however, my printers are closed so I haven't been able to send anything off. I've also knocked off some home improvement projects, a garden box for Lisa and a pantry, whittling that honey-do list down a bit. 

I've also been at the studio, messing around trying to finish up the backdrops for when this is over and we can open back up. 

Going to try some experimental wet plate stuff this upcoming week, so stay tuned. Might be interesting. 

We hope you are all staying safe and sane, and really can't wait to see you all again! 


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